J.R. 17
opportunities that a space camp serving in conjunction with Goddard Space Flight
Center and Andrews Air Force Base would provide; now, therefore, be it
the need for a U.S. Space and Flight Center to be established in Prince George's
County, Maryland in conjunction with the Goddard Space Flight Center and Andrews
Air Force Base; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Maryland Delegation to Congress be is urged to seek
federal support for the establishment of such a space camp a U.S. Space and Flight
Center, including funding for the planning, design, and development of the Center,
and the cooperation of NASA and Goddard the Goddard Space Flight Center and
Andrews Air Force Base; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Department of
Legislative Services to the Honorable Parris N. Glendening, Governor of Maryland;
the Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., President of the Senate of Maryland; and
the Honorable Casper R. Taylor, Jr., Speaker of the House of Delegates, and; and be it
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Department of
Legislative Services to the Maryland Congressional Delegation: Senators Paul S.
Sarbanes and Barbara A. Mikulski, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510;
and Representatives Wayne T. Gilchrest, Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Benjamin L. Cardin,
Albert R. Wynn, Steny Hamilton Hoyer, Roscoe G. Bartlett, Elijah E. Cummings, and
Constance A. Morella, House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515; and; and be it
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Department of
Legislative Services to Mr. Ralph Gipson, Executive Director, the NASA, the U.S. Air
Force, and the U.S. Space Camp Foundation, 1 Tranquility Base, Huntsville, Alabama
35807; A. V. Diaz, Director, NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt.
Maryland 20771; and Brigadier General James A. Hawkins, Base Commander,
Andrews Air Force Base, AAFB, Maryland 20762-7001.
Signed May 18, 2000.
Joint Resolution No. 17
(House Joint Resolution No. 27)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Postsecondary Secondary Career and Technology Education Programs
FOR the purpose of stating the intent of the General Assembly to concur in placing
certain postsecondary secondary career and technology education programs in
the Maryland Unified Plan for Workforce Investment.
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