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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 3156   View pdf image
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down to the date of the repeal of [said] THE Resolution as authorized by the
provisions of this section, provided a Resolution of repeal should be had, shall
continue [hereafter] to be exempt from assessment and taxation in Carroll County
from the date of the passage of [said] THE resolution of repeal for a period of five (5)
years thereafter. [13-2.] 9-102. Reporting house trailers. All persons, firms or corporations owning any house trailer or house trailers
which trailer or trailers are located in Carroll County for a period of more than ten
days at any one time shall, upon the expiration of [said] THE ten-day period,
immediately notify the Supervisor of Assessments of Carroll County, in writing, of the
location of [such] THE trailer or trailers in Carroll County. Failure to comply with the
provisions of this section shall result in a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the tax due
for each month that the owner shall fail to notify the Supervisor of Assessments. [13-3.] 9-103. Tax on house trailers and mobile homes. The County Commissioners of Carroll County are authorized to tax or collect
fees from the owners, lessors or occupants of any house trailer or mobile home in
Carroll County and to provide by resolution for rules and regulations for the
imposition and collection [thereof] OF THE TAX OR FEES as deemed necessary. [14. Roads] TITLE 10. ROADS. SUBTITLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS.
[14-1.] 10-101. [Roads] POWERS AND DUTIES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The County Commissioners of Carroll County shall have general charge of and
control over all public highways, roads, bridges, streets and alleys of Carroll County
except within the limit of incorporated towns[; it]. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
shall [be their duty to] keep the [same] PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, ROADS, BRIDGES,
STREETS, AND ALLEYS OF CARROLL COUNTY in repair and reasonably safe for public
travel, and to that end [they] THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall exercise a general
supervision over them throughout the county, and direct general and special repairs
and improvements [thereto,] whenever [they] THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall
advisable for public convenience or safety[; they]. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
shall have all the powers with respect to the public highways of the county
[heretofore] STATED UNDER THIS TITLE AND vested in the County Commissioners by
the public general laws of this State[, and], THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SHALL
ASSUME all liabilities [incident thereto] WITH RESPECT TO THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS
OF THE COUNTY, including the right to sue and be sued [in connection therewith, and
in addition]. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall have all the powers [hereinafter]
enumerated UNDER THIS TITLE, and all such other and further powers as may be
reasonably implied from the nature of the duties imposed [upon] ON them by this
[subtitle] TITLE.
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 3156   View pdf image
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