Ch. 509
standing of the Association and licensed by the Board to provide pilotage for vessels of
ASSIGNMENT shall be computed by:
(1) determining the greater of:
(i) $200; or
(ii) 40% of the shore payable under this subtitle for the month for
which the payment is to be made to a regularly working licensed pilot; and
(2) multiplying the figure determined under item (1) of this subsection
by the number of pilots in the Association who, at the beginning of the month for
which the payment is to be made, were eligible for payments as inactive pilots under
this subsection.
(e) The amount to be paid by the Association to the Board for distribution to
eligible inactive pilots who become inactive with at least 30 years but less than 25
years as FULL members in good standing of the Association and licensed by the Board
to provide pilotage for vessels of unlimited draft OR TO PROVIDE PILOTAGE LIMITED
TO A SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT shall be computed as follows:
(1) for each pilot determining the greater of:
(i) $200; or
(ii) 1. 32% of the share payable under this subtitle for the month
for which the payment is to be made to a regularly working licensed pilot; and
2. l.6% of the share payable under this subtitle for the
month for which the payment is to be made to a regularly working licensed pilot in
addition for each year of service in excess of 20 years and up to 25 years; and
(2) totalling the sums determined under item (i) of this paragraph for
each pilot in the Association who, at the beginning of the month for which the
payment is to be made, was eligible for payment as an inactive pilot under this
(d) The amount to be paid by the Association to the Board for distribution to
permanently disabled pilots shall be computed by:
(1) determining the greater of:
(i) $200; or
(ii) 40% of the share payable under this subtitle for the month for
which the payment is to be made to a regularly working licensed pilot; and
(2) multiplying the figure determined under item (i) of this paragraph by
the number of pilots in the Association who, at the beginning of the month for which
the payment is to be made, were eligible for payments as permanently disabled pilots.
(e) Within 10 days after the Board receive the amounts paid under
subsections (b), (c), or (d) of this section, the Board shall distribute those amounts:
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