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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2709   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 508
(1) Contains the findings of the Task Force on Feasibility of
Future Consolidation of State Psychiatric Hospitals
identifying which of the following State psychiatric
hospitals may be closed: Crownsville Hospital Center,
Springfield Hospital Center, or Spring Grove Hospital
Center; (2) Identifies the level of funds to be expended at each
institution; and, (3) Is submitted to the budget committees for review and
comment or the passage of 45 days from the receipt of the
report]. This authorization shall not terminate before June 1, [2000] 2001........................................................................ 351,653
Chanter 131 of the Acts of 1995
Section 1(3)
50.01.00 MISCELLANEOUS GRANT PROGRAMS (A) African American Museum. Provide a grant to [be administered
by the Department of Housing and Community Development]
CORPORATION to prepare preliminary plans for the
construction of an African American Museum, provided that no
funds may be expended for construction of the museum facility
until the Board of Public Works certifies that at least $1,500,000
in non-state funds are available for the project (Baltimore City). 578,000 Chapter 125 of the Acts of 1996 Section 1(3) 32.13.02 ROSEWOOD CENTER (Baltimore County) (B) Johns, Cook, and Mandel Cottages. Provide a portion of the funds to renovate the Johns, Cook, and Mandel Cottages.......... [1,711,000] 1,511,000 50.01.00 MISCELLANEOUS GRANT PROGRAMS (A) African American Museum. Provide a grant to [be administered
by the Department of Housing and Community Development]
CORPORATION to prepare detailed plans for the construction
of an African American Museum (Baltimore City)....................... 700,000 50.02.00 LOCAL JAILS AND DETENTION CENTERS (B) Anne Arundel County Detention Center. Provide a grant to the
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2709   View pdf image
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