PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 508
(I) Eastern Shore Higher Education Center. Provide a grant to
Chesapeake College for the design of the Eastern Shore Higher
Education Center to be located on the campus of Chesapeake
College (Queen Anne's County).......................................................
(A) Allegany County Detention Center. Provide a grant to the
Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County to assist in
design, construction and capital equipping of the Allegany
County Detention Center...............................................................
(B) Frederick County Detention Center. Provide a grant to the
Board of County Commissioners of Frederick County to assist in
construction and capital equipping of the Center's Work
Release/Substance Abuse Facility, subject to the requirement
that the grantee provide a matching fund of $2,327,000 for this
purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1(5) of this
Act, the matching fund may include funds expended prior to the
effective date of this Act.................................................................
(C) Montgomery County Detention Center. Provide a grant to the
County Executive and County Council of Montgomery County
for design, construction, and capital equipping of a 900-bed
County Detention Center in Clarksburg, subject to the
requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching
fund for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section
1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may include funds expended
prior to the effective date of this Act............................................
(D) Prince George's County Detention Center. Provide a grant to
the County Executive and County Council of Prince George's
County to assist in design and construction of additions to the
Prince George's County Detention Center, subject to the
requirement that the grantee provide a matching fund of
$805,000 for this purpose. Notwithstanding the provisions of
Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may include funds
expended prior to the effective date of this Act, provided that no
funds may be expended until the program plan has been
approved by the Departments of Budget and Management,
General Services, and Public Safety and Correctional Services.
(4) An annual tax is imposed on all assessable property in the State in rate
and amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds, as and when
due and until paid in full. The principal shall be discharged within 15 years after the
date of issue of the bonds.
(5) (a) Prior to the payment of any matching grant funds under the
provisions of Section 1(3), Items ZA00 through ZB02 above, grantees shall provide
and expend matching funds as specified. No part of a grantee's matching fund may be
provided, either directly or indirectly, from funds of the State, whether appropriated
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