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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2205   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 404
PEACE ORDER REQUEST IS FILED. [(s)] (W) (1) "Shelter care" means the temporary care of children in
physically unrestricting facilities. (2) "Shelter care" does not mean care in a State mental health facility.
[(t)] (X) (1) "Victim" means: (I) [a] person who suffers direct or threatened physical, emotional,
or financial harm as a result of a delinquent act; OR (II) AN INDIVIDUAL AGAINST WHOM AN ACT SPECIFIED IN §
COMMITTED. (2) "Victim" includes a family member of a minor, disabled, or a deceased victim. (3) "Victim" includes, if the victim is not an individual, the victim's agent
or designee. [(u)](Y) "Violation" means a violation of § 400, § 400A, § 400B, § 401, or §
405A of Article 27 of the Code and § 26-103 of the Education Article for which a
citation is issued. [(v)] (Z) "Witness" means any person who is or expects to be a State's witness.
3-804. (a) The court has exclusive original jurisdiction over: (1) A child alleged to be delinquent, in need of supervision, in need of
assistance or who has received a citation for a violation; [and] (2) With respect to any child who is under the jurisdiction of the juvenile
court and previously has been adjudicated a child in need of assistance, all
termination of parental rights proceedings and related adoption proceedings; AND (3) EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SUBSECTION (E)(6) OF THIS SECTION, A
PEACE ORDER PROCEEDING IN WHICH THE RESPONDENT IS A CHILD. (e) The court does not have jurisdiction over: (1) A child at least 14 years old alleged to have done an act which, if
committed by an adult, would be a crime punishable by death or life imprisonment, as
well as all other charges against the child arising out of the same incident, unless an
order removing the proceeding to the court has been filed under Article 27, § 594A of
the Code; (2) A child at least 16 years old alleged to have done an act in violation of
any provision of the Transportation Article or other traffic law or ordinance, except an
act that prescribes a penalty of incarceration;
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2205   View pdf image
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