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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2202   View pdf image
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specifying that the age of the child at the time the alleged act was committed
controls the determination of juvenile court jurisdiction over peace order
proceedings; requiring that a peace order request be filed in the county where
the alleged act occurred, subject to transfer; authorizing the juvenile court to
transfer a peace order request under certain circumstances; authorizing an
intake officer assigned to the juvenile court by the Department of Juvenile
Justice or the State's Attorney to file a peace order request with the juvenile
court under certain circumstances; requiring an intake officer to inform certain
persons of certain decisions under certain circumstances; authorizing certain
persons to submit a certain denial for review by the Department of Juvenile
Justice Area Director; authorizing a court to dismiss a peace order request for
failure to comply with certain requirements only under certain circumstances;
establishing that certain information is inadmissible in evidence in certain
proceedings; establishing requirements for the form of a peace order request and
general procedures for peace order proceedings; prohibiting a master in Prince
George's County from conducting a peace order proceeding; establishing that
certain provisions regarding adjudicatory and disposition hearings do not apply
to peace order requests or peace order proceedings; authorizing the juvenile
court to issue a peace order to protect a victim under certain circumstances;
specifying the relief that the juvenile court may include in a peace order;
establishing the duration of a peace order; authorizing the juvenile court to
impose reasonable court costs against certain individuals; providing for the
service of a peace order; authorizing the juvenile court to modify or rescind a
peace order under certain circumstances; establishing that a violation of certain
provisions of a peace order is a delinquent act; requiring a law enforcement
officer to take a child into custody under certain circumstances; establishing
that a party is not entitled to the assistance of counsel at a peace order
proceeding; specifying that a certain provision of this Act does not affect the
entitlement of a respondent to the assistance of counsel in a contempt
proceeding as provided by law; making certain conforming changes; clarifying
certain language; defining certain terms; altering certain definitions; making
certain stylistic changes; and generally relating to juvenile court jurisdiction
and peace orders. BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings Section 3-801, 3-804(a) and (e), 3-805, 3-808, 3-809, 3-810(c), (d), (e), (f), (g),
(h), (i), and (q), 3-811, 3-812, 3-813(a), 3-819, 3-820, 3-821(a), and
3-1502 Annotated Code of Maryland (1998 Replacement Volume and 1999 Supplement) BY adding to Article - Courts and Judicial Proceedings Section 3-820.1, 3-820.2, 3-820.3, 3-820.4, 3-820.5, and 3-821(f)
Annotated Code of Maryland (1998 Replacement Volume and 1999 Supplement)
- 2202 -

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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2202   View pdf image
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