Ch. 320
FOR the purpose of requiring the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to notify the
State Health Services Cost Review Commission of certain health insurance
carriers that apply for approval of a substantial, available, and affordable
coverage (SAAC) product, or have a SAAC product that has been approved;
under certain provisions of law; specifying procedures for applying for approval
of a SAAC product; specifying the requirements a SAAC product must meet to
qualify for approval; requiring the State Health Services Cost Review
Commission to grant a certain differential to a carrier that has an approved
SAAC product; specifying the circumstances under which a carrier must submit
a corrective plan to the Commission; authorizing a corrective plan to provide for
certain actions; requiring a carrier to pay a certain amount to the Commission
or the Commission's designee if the carrier stops offering a SAAC product;
requiring a carrier that sends a letter of declination to an applicant for medically
underwritten health insurance in the nongroup market to send the applicant
certain information about the availability of SAAC products in the nongroup
market; authorizing the Commissioner and the Commission to adopt certain
regulations; providing for the application of certain provisions of this Act;
defining certain terms; prohibiting the Commission from taking any action to
eliminate or adjust a certain SAAC differential until a certain date certain
conditions are satisfied; altering the date by which the Task Force to Study the
Non-group Health insurance Market must submit a final report to the General
Assembly; providing for a delayed effective date for certain provisions of this
Act; and generally relating to substantial, available, and affordable coverage
products in the nongroup health insurance market repealing the Task Force to
Study the Non-Group Health Insurance Market.
BY adding to
Section 19-207.1 and 19-706(nn)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1996 Replacement Volume and 1999 Supplement)
BY adding to
Section 15-130; and 15-6A-01 through 15-6A-03 and 15-6A-05 to be under the
new subtitle "Subtitle 6A. Substantial, Available, and Affordable Coverage
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1997 Volume and 1999 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Section 15-128(h) and 15-606
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1997 Volume and 1999 Supplement)
BY repealing
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