Ch. 206
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the aforegoing section
proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland shall be submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of this State at the next general election to be held in
November, 2000 for their adoption or rejection in pursuance of directions contained in
Article XIV of the Constitution of this State. At that general election, the vote on this
proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each ballot
there shall be printed the words "For the Constitutional Amendments" and "Against
the Constitutional Amendments," as now provided by law. Immediately after the
election, all returns shall be made to the Governor of the vote for and against the
proposed amendment, as directed by Article XIV of the Constitution, and further
proceedings had in accordance with Article XIV.
Enacted April 25, 2000.
(Senate Bill 207)
AN ACT concerning
Smart Codes - Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code
FOR the purpose of requiring the Department of Housing and Community
Development to adopt a Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code to encourage
and facilitate the rehabilitation of existing buildings and to maintain the level of
safety that existing building codes provide for certain purposes; providing for
the enforcement of the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code; providing that
the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code be modeled on the Nationally
Applicable Recommended Rehabilitation Provisions; providing that the
Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code shall apply to all rehabilitation projects
within the State on or after a certain date; authorizing local jurisdictions to
adopt local amendments and providing certain benefits to local jurisdictions
that do not adopt local amendments to the Maryland Building Rehabilitation
Code; providing that the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code and any local
amendments be included in a certain data base; providing for certain categories
of work; providing that the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code provide for a
certain initial planning meeting under certain circumstances; providing for an
expedited review process for certain proposed amendments to the Maryland
Building Rehabilitation Code: requiring that certain principal State
departments and State boards and commissions modify their regulations to be
consistent with the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code; providing that
there be a Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code Advisory Council and
providing for Council membership, terms, reimbursement, duties, and
responsibilities; providing for the initial terms of Council members; providing
that there be a director of the Council; providing for certain training of certain
officials; providing that certain applications to the Rural Legacy Board include a
certain certification; making certain provisions of this Act subject to a certain
funding contingency; making provisions of this Act severable; providing for the
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