(ii) leasee, licenses, or sells telephone or teletype communications.
(2) "Telephone company" does not include a cellular telephone company.
[(ee)] (JJ) (KK) "Telephone lines" means the material, equipment, and property
owned by a telephone company and used or to be used for or in connection with
telephone service.
[(dd)](KK) (LL) "Toll bridge" means a bridge operated by a person authorized
by the Commission to charge and collect-toll from traffic using the bridge.
[(cc)] (LL) (MM) (1) "Transportation of persons for hire" means the
transportation of persons by:
(i) regularly scheduled operations;
(ii) charter or contract operations; or
(iii) tour or sightseeing operations.
(2) "Transportation of persons for hire" includes the transportation of
persons, whether on the cooperative plan, carried by a corporation, group, or
association engaged in the transportation of its stockholders, shareholders, or
[(ff)] (MM) (NN) "Water company" means a public service company that owns a
water plant and sells or distributes water for gain.
[(gg)] (NN) (OO) "Water plant" means the material, equipment, and property
owned by a water company and used or to be used for or in connection with water
(a) This section does not apply to taxicabs, power boat companies, toll bridges,
or towing and lightering companies.
(b) The Commission shall require each public service company subject to its
jurisdiction to formulate and, after approval by the Commission, to implement
long-range plans to provide REGULATED service.
(e) The Commission shall require each electric company in the State to
include in the long range plan [adequate] COST EFFECTIVE provisions to promote
energy conservation to decrease or moderate electric and, as appropriate, natural gas
demand FOR REGULATED SERVICE from customers.
(d) (1) The Commission shall review each plan for adequacy under the
criteria of § 2-113 of this subtitle, giving attention to the interrelationship of services
of other public service companies and to provisions for research and development to
ensure adequate service.
(2) As part of the review, and subject to any applicable Freedom of
Information Act, the Commission shall consult with other State units and provide an
opportunity for public comment.