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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 4438   View pdf image
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MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article - Public Utility Companies


(d) (1) The State budget shall provide sufficient money for the Commission
to hire, develop, and organize a staff to perform the functions of the Commission,
including analyzing data submitted to the Commission and participating in
proceedings as provided in § 3-104 of this article.

(2) As the Commission considers necessary, the Commission shall hire
experts including economists, cost of capital experts, rate design experts, accountants,
engineers, transportation specialists, and lawyers.

(3) The Commission may retain on a case by case basis additional
experts as required for a particular matter.

(4) The lawyers who represent the Commission staff in proceedings
before the Commission shall be appointed by the Commission and shall be organized
and operate independently of the office of General Counsel.

(5) (i) As required, the Commission shall hire hearing examiners.

(ii) Hearing examiners are a separate organizational unit and shall
report directly to the Commission.

(6) The Commission shall hire personal staff members for. each
commissioner as required to provide advice, draft proposed orders and rulings, and
perform other personal staff functions.

(7) Subject to § 3-104 of this article, the Commission may delegate to a
commissioner or personnel the authority to perform an administrative function
necessary to carry out a duty of the Commission.

(8) (i) Except as provided in paragraph (ii) of this item or otherwise by
law, all personnel of the Commission are subject to the provisions of the State
Personnel and Pensions Article.

(ii) The following are in the executive service, management service,
or are special appointments in the State Personnel Management System:

1. each commissioner of the Commission;

2. the Executive Director;

3. the General Counsel and each assistant general counsel;

4. the People's Counsel;

5. the commissioners' personal staff members; [and]

6. each license hearing officer; AND


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 4438   View pdf image
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