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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 4424   View pdf image
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(a) There is a Task Force to Develop Performance Quality Measures for
Managed Behavioral Health Care Organizations.

(b) The Task Force shall consist of the following 10 members:

(1) The Executive Director of the Health Care Access and Cost

(2) The Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene or,
the Secretary's designee;

(3) The Maryland Insurance Commissioner;

(4) One representative of the managed behavioral care organization
industry, appointed by the Health Care Access and Cost Commission;

(5) Two representatives of carriers that use the services of a managed
behavioral care organization, appointed by the Health, Care Access and Cost

(6) One psychologist appointed by the Maryland Psychological

(7) One nurse psychotherapist appointed by the Psychiatric Advanced
Practice Nurses of Maryland:

(8) One psychiatrist appointed by the Maryland Psychiatric Society; and

(9) One social worker appointed by the Maryland Society for Clinical
Social Work.

(c) The Executive Director of the Health Care Access and Cost Commission
shall serve as the Chairman of the Task Force.

(d) The Task Force shall develop measures of quality for the provision of
behavioral health care services to members or enrollees of managed behavioral health
care organizations.

(e) In developing the measures of quality, the Task Force shall consider:

(1) Discharge rates for members or enrollees who receive in-patient
mental health and substance abuse services;

(2) The average length of stay for members or enrollees who receive
in-patient mental health and substance abuse services;

(3) The percentage of enrollees receiving in-patient and out-patient
services for mental health and substance abuse;

(4) Readmission rates of members and enrollees who receive in-patient
mental health and substance abuse treatment;


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 4424   View pdf image
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