(ii) The Authority written notification of the filing with the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene of a petition for the delicensure of a hospital
under § 19-325 of the Health - General Article.
(2) The notice required by this subsection shall be given within 10 days
after the filing of the notice or petition.
(e) (1) The [Health Resources Planning Commission] HEALTH CARE
ACCESS AND COST COMMISSION and the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
shall give the Authority and the Health Services Cost Review Commission written
notification of:
(i) A determination by the [Health Resources Planning
Commission] HEALTH CARE ACCESS AND COST COMMISSION to exempt a hospital
closure from the certificate of need requirement pursuant to [§ 19-115(1)] § 19-123(L)
of the Health - General Article; or
(ii) A determination by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
to delicense a hospital pursuant to § 19-325 of the Health - General Article.
(2) The [Health Resources Planning Commission] HEALTH CARE
ACCESS AND COST COMMISSION and the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
shall submit the written notification required in paragraph (1) of this subsection no
later than 150 days prior to the scheduled date of the hospital closure or delicensure
and shall include the name and location of the hospital, and the scheduled date of
hospital closure or delicensure.
(D (1) A hospital that intends to close or is scheduled to be delicensed shall
provide the Authority and the Health Services Cost Review Commission with a
written statement of any outstanding public body obligations issued on behalf of the
hospital, which shall include:
(i) The name of each issuer of a public body obligation on behalf of
the hospital;
(ii) The outstanding principal amount of each public body
obligation and the due dates for payment or any mandatory redemption or purchase
(iii) The due dates for the payment of interest on each public body
obligation and the interest rates; and
(iv) Any documents and information pertaining to the public body
obligations as the Authority or the Health Services Cost Review Commission may
(2) The statement required in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be
filed by the hospital: