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Session Laws, 1999
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(1) To sell or possess stolen:

(i) Manufactured serial numbers; or

(ii) Vehicle identification plates or labels; or

(2) To possess manufactured serial numbers or vehicle identification
plates or labels with the intent for the serial numbers or vehicle identification plates
or labels to be affixed to stolen property or to be used for fraudulent purposes.

(d) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than
5500 or imprisoned not exceeding 18 months or be both fined and imprisoned for each
and every offense.


Error: Purpose paragraph of bill being cured failed to accurately describe
the changes made by the bill.

Occurred: Chapter 249 (House Bill 620) of the Acts of 1998.


(b) (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection,
if a court finds that the requirements of subsection (c) of this section are satisfied, a
court may admit into evidence in a juvenile court proceeding or in a criminal
proceeding an out of court statement, to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the
statement, made by a child victim under the age of 12 years, who is the alleged victim
or the child alleged to need assistance in the case before the court, concerning an
alleged offense against the child of:

(i) Child abuse, as defined in § 35C of this article;

(ii) Rape or sexual offense, as defined in §§ 462 through 464B of

this article;

(iii) Attempted rape or attempted sexual offense in the first or
second degree, as defined in § 464F of this article; or

(iv) In a juvenile court proceeding, abuse or neglect as defined in §
5-701 of the Family Law Article.

(2) An out of court statement may be admissible under this section only


(i) The statement was made to and is offered by:

1. A physician;

2. A psychologist;

3. A nurse;

4. A social worker; or


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 281   View pdf image
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