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Session Laws, 1999
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the Division of Correction. The programs shall meet the special needs and
circumstances of the inmates in the institution.

(b) (1) The Council shall adopt regulations for all correctional institutions in
the Division of Correction for the implementation of a mandatory education program
for all inmates who fail to attain a minimum educational standard as set forth in this

(2) The regulations adopted by the Council shall require that:

(i) The educational standard shall be the attainment of a General
Education Diploma (G.E.D.) or a verified high school diploma;

(ii) The regulations shall only apply to any inmate who:

1. Is received by the Division of Correction after July 1, 1987;

2. Has 18 months or more remaining to be served before a
mandatory supervision release date;

3. Is not exempted due to a medical, developmental, or
learning disability: and

4. Does not possess a General Education Diploma (G.E.D.) or
a verified high school diploma;

(iii) Any inmate who is not exempted under subparagraph (ii)3 of
this subsection shall participate in:

1. The mandatory education program for at least 120

calendar days; or

2. A vocational training program; and

(iv) The Division of Correction shall report to the Parole
Commission the academic progress of an inmate in the mandatory education

(c) On or before [June] OCTOBER 30 of each year, the Council shall report its
activities to the Governor and, subject to § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, to
the General Assembly.

(d) (1) The Council shall actively advocate and promote the interests of
educational programs and opportunities in correctional institutions. The Council
shall seek to ensure that a quality education and equal educational opportunity are
available to all inmates at correctional institutions.

(2) The Council shall on a regular basis review the program of
instruction used in educational programs at correctional institutions to ensure that
the unique educational needs of the populations of correctional institutions are being
satisfactorily met.

(3) The Council shall include in its review:


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 263   View pdf image
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