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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 260   View pdf image
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(1) is licensed to practice architecture in another state or country; or

(2) is certified by the Council UNDER SUBSECTION (C) OF THIS SECTION.

(b) The Board may [grant a waiver] ISSUE A LICENSE BY RECIPROCITY under
this section for an applicant who is licensed to practice architecture in another state
or country only if the applicant:

(1) is of good character and reputation;

(2) pays to the Board an application fee not exceeding $100, as set by the
Board; and

(3) provides adequate evidence that:

(i) the applicant became licensed in the other state or country after
meeting, in that or any other state or country, requirements that were at least
equivalent to those then required by the laws of this State; or

(ii) at the time of application for [waiver of the examination
requirements] A LICENSE BY RECIPROCITY under this section, the applicant meets
the [education and experience] requirements currently required by the laws of this

(c) The Board may [grant a waiver] ISSUE A LICENSE BY RECIPROCITY under
this section for an applicant who is certified by the Council only if:

(1) the applicant:

(i) is of good character and reputation; and

(ii) pays to the Board an application fee not exceeding $100, as set
by the Board; and

(2) the Board receives from the Council a certified copy of its certificate

(d) An architect who is granted a [waiver of the examination requirements
and becomes licensed] LICENSE BY RECIPROCITY by the Board may not be required to
maintain licensure in any other state or country as a condition of maintaining the
license granted by the Board.


(a) (1) Subject to the hearing provisions of § 3-313 of this subtitle, the
Board, on the affirmative vote of a majority of its authorized membership, may deny
a license to any applicant, reprimand any licensee, or suspend or revoke a license if:

(i) the applicant or licensee fraudulently or deceptively obtains or
renews or attempts to obtain or renew a license or permit for the applicant or licensee
or for another;


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 260   View pdf image
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