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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 1507   View pdf image
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Annotated Code of Maryland

(1997 Replacement Volume and 1998 Supplement)


WHEREAS, The Maryland State Police is the State's lead law enforcement
organization responsible for enforcing criminal laws, providing safer highways,
reducing violent crimes, assisting with community policing activities, and leading
anti-terrorist efforts; and

WHEREAS, A position with the Maryland State Police is a difficult,
demanding, and dangerous lifestyle that takes its toll oh those who serve to improve
the quality of life in Maryland; and

WHEREAS, The law enforcement professionals of the Maryland State Police
sacrifice personal comfort and a restful family environment to promote public safety;

WHEREAS, The men and women who serve in the Maryland State Police place
their lives in jeopardy every day to protect the citizens of this State; and

WHEREAS, The members of the State Police Retirement System are not eligible
for Social Security benefits and the State does not pay Social Security taxes for
members of the System; and

WHEREAS, Enhanced benefits are necessary to retain and recruit quality and
committed law enforcement officers to serve the State in a capacity that is critical to
the safety and peace of all Marylanders; now, therefore,

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article - State Personnel and Pensions


A member's contribution rate is [:

(1) ] 8% of the member's earnable compensation, if the member has 25
years or less of creditable service; or

(2) 4% of the member's earnable compensation, if the member has more
than 25 years of creditable service].


Membership ends if the member:

(1) is separated from employment for more than 3 years;

(2) withdraws the member's accumulated contributions;

(3) becomes a retiree; [or]


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 1507   View pdf image
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