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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 105   View pdf image
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[(gg)] (OO) "Water plant" means the material, equipment, and property owned
by a water company and used or to be used for or in connection with water service.



[(a)] (B) (1) (i) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, the
costs and expenses of the Commission shall be borne by the public service companies
that are subject to the Commission's jurisdiction.

(ii) The costs and expenses shall be assessed as provided in this


(2) An appropriation for the costs and expenses of the Commission shall
be included in the State budget and paid from the State treasury.

(3) The State treasury shall be reimbursed from the money collected
under this section.

[(b)] (C) (1) (i) Before each State fiscal year, the Chairman of the
Commission shall estimate the Commission's total costs and expenses, including:

1. the compensation and expenses of the Commission, its
officers, agents, and personnel;

2. the cost of retirement contributions, Social Security, health
insurance, and other benefits required to be paid by the State for the personnel of the

3. all other maintenance and operation expenses; and

4. all other direct and indirect costs.

(ii) The estimate shall exclude the costs of maintaining testing
equipment reimbursable under § 2-111(a) of this subtitle.

(2) Based on the estimate, the Chairman shall determine the amount to be
paid by each public service company.

(3) The Commission shall send a bill to each public service company on or
before May 1st of each year.

(4) The bill shall equal the product of:

(i) the estimated total costs and expenses of the Commission during
the next fiscal year; multiplied by

(ii) the ratio of the gross operating revenues for the public service
company derived from intrastate utility AND ELECTRICITY SUPPLIER operations in
the preceding calendar year, or other 12-month period as the Chairman determines, to


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 105   View pdf image
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