J.R. 7
RESOLVED, That, to the extent practical, merger proposals should be structured
so as to, wherever possible, enhance the operation of shortline and regional railroads
throughout Maryland; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the merger proposals put forward by CSX, Conrail, and Norfolk
Southern railroad systems should address the need to fund the construction of physical
improvements needed to realize the purported benefits of the proposed mergers,
including, but not limited to, the provision of adequate clearances above rail tracks to
allow the movement of "high cube double stack" container trains to and from Baltimore
and the Midwest; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the merger proposals put forward by CSX, Conrail, and Norfolk
Southern should address the need to increase, or at least preserve, employment in the
State; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the merger proposals put forward by CSX, Conrail, and Norfolk
Southern should address the need to continue and/or expand rail service at competitive
rates to customers and short line and regional railroads throughout the State; and be it
RESOLVED, That the merger proposals put forward by CSX, Conrail, and Norfolk
Southern should be structured so as to allow the continued operation and growth of
commuter rail services throughout the State; and be it further
RESOLVED, That Governor Parris Glendening and the Maryland Department of
Transportation and the Department of Business and Economic Development are urged to
continue their negotiations with CSX, Conrail, and Norfolk Southern, and any others for
the appropriate commitments concerning the above stated issues of concern to Maryland;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the members of the Maryland Congressional Delegation are
requested to encourage the Surface Transportation Board to address the above stated
issues of concern to Maryland; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Surface Transportation Board is urged to disapprove any
application which does not include, at a minimum, the operation over the tracks owned by
two Class I rail carriers providing competitive service to the Port of Baltimore, the
Baltimore and Washington metropolitan areas, and access to competitive service for
other parts of the State of Maryland subsequent to any merger of Conrail with another
Class I railroad, and which does not address the other issues of concern to Maryland as
stated in this Resolution; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Chief Executive
Officers of CSX, Conrail, and Norfolk Southern railroad systems: John W. Snow,
Chairman, President and CEO, CSX Corporation, P.O. Box 85629, Richmond, VA
23285-5629; David M. LeVan, Chairman, President and CEO, Conrail, Inc., 2001 Market
Street, P.O. Box 41417, Philadelphia, PA 19101-1417; David R. Goode, Chairman,
President and CEO, Norfolk Southern Corporation, 3 Commercial Place, Norfolk, VA
23510-2191; and be it further
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