J.R. 5
Joint Resolution No. 5
(House Joint Resolution No. 13)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Ozone Transport Assessment Group - Requiring Membership of State Elected Officials
FOR the purpose of requesting the addition of a certain number of elected officials from
the states and territories to the membership of the Ozone Transport Assessment
WHEREAS, The Ozone Transport Assessment Group, established by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency, is a partnership among EPA, the
Environmental Council of the States, and other industry and environmental groups; and
WHEREAS, The Ozone Transport Assessment Group is preparing to make policy
recommendations, in 1997, to the United States Environmental Protection Agency and
state governmental officials, including Maryland's, regarding the regulation of ozone
transport in the eastern United States; and
WHEREAS, The participation of state elected officials is essential to the
formulation of policy recommendations that will ultimately affect state efforts to comply
with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, including state transportation,
environmental, and natural resources programs; and
WHEREAS, The Ozone Transport Assessment-Group's recommendations may
result in more stringent regulation of emissions than required under the Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990; now, therefore, be it
Ozone Transport Assessment Group be required to include one voting member from the
legislature of each of the 50 states and each of the territories states represented by
members of the Ozone Transport Assessment Group; and be it further
RESOLVED, That Maryland State agencies, including the Maryland Department
of the Environment, may not adopt Ozone Transport Assessment Group
recommendations, by rule or regulation, without additional legislative authorization; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Department of
Legislative Reference to the Honorable Parris N. Glendening, Governor of Maryland; the
Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., President of the Senate of Maryland; the
Honorable Casper R. Taylor, Jr., Speaker of the House of Delegates; the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Waterside Mall, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C.
20460; the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region III, 841 Chestnut
Building, Philadelphia, PA 19107; The Ozone Transport Assessment Group, c/o Mary A.
Gade, Director, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, 2200 Churchill Road,
Springfield, IL 62706; the Secretary of the Maryland Department of the Environment,
2500 Broening Highway, Baltimore, MD 21224; and the Maryland Congressional
Delegation: Senators Paul S. Sarbanes and Barbara A. Mikulski, Senate Office Building,
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