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Session Laws, 1997
Volume 795, Page 3080   View pdf image
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Ch. 563


(d) (1) A regulated lobbyist who is subject to this section or a person acting on
behalf of the regulated lobbyist may not, for the benefit of [a member of] THE
MEMBER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY or candidate for election to the OFFICE OF
MEMBER OF THE General Assembly:

(i) solicit or transmit a political contribution from any person,
including a political committee;

(ii) serve on a fund-raising committee or a political committee; or

(iii) act as a treasurer or chairman of a political committee.
(2) This section does not prohibit a regulated lobbyist from:

(i) making a personal political contribution; or

(ii) informing any entity of a position taken by a candidate.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED. That the State Administrative
Board of Election Laws is requested to submit a report, in accordance with § 2-1312 of
the State Government Article, to the Legislative Policy Committee of the General
Assembly by December 15, 1997 that includes a plan for the full implementation of
electronic filing. This report is intended to provide the General Assembly with the
necessary information for the consideration of legislation in the 1998 Session to make any
changes to the law that are necessary for the administration of mandatory electronic filing
in order that full implementation of electronic filing of campaign finance reports that are
required to be filed with the State Administrative Board of Election Laws be successfully
completed by November 1999.

SECTION 2. 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 1997.

Approved May 22, 1997.

(Senate Bill 131)

AN ACT concerning

Montgomery County - Gaithersburg Center for the Cultural Arts Loan of 1995

FOR the purpose of amending Chapter 242 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1995,
the Montgomery County - Gaithersburg Center for the Cultural Arts Loan of 1995,
to extend the time by which the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gaithersburg
shall provide and expend a matching fund.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

Chapter 242 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1995

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Session Laws, 1997
Volume 795, Page 3080   View pdf image
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