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Session Laws, 1997
Volume 795, Page 3078   View pdf image
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Ch. 562


(3) For the purpose of the reporting and registration requirements of this
subtitle, receipts of a regulated lobbyist subject to this subsection include funds spent on
the regulated lobbyist's behalf, at its direction, or in its name.

(d) (1) In addition to any other report required under this section, a regulated
lobbyist shall file, with the report required by subsection (a) of this section, a report
disclosing the name of any member of the General Assembly or member of the immediate
family of a member of the General Assembly who has benefited during the reporting
period from a gift of a ticket or admission to any event for which other persons are
charged a fee exceeding $15, whether or not in connection with lobbying activities,
allowed under § 15-505(c)(2)(vii) of this title from the regulated lobbyist.

(2) The disclosure required by this subsection shall be under oath or
affirmation, on a form issued by the Ethics Commission, and shall include:

(i) the name and business address of the regulated lobbyist;

(ii) the name of each recipient of a ticket or admission;

(iii) the date and value of each gift of a ticket or admission, and the
identity of the entity or entities to which the gift is attributable; and

(iv) the total cumulative value of gifts of tickets or admissions,
calculated as to each recipient.

(3) The regulated lobbyist may:

(i) declare on the form required under paragraph (3) of this
subsection that a gift of a ticket or admission was given for purposes not related to the
regulated lobbyist's lobbying activities; and

(ii) explain the circumstances under which the gift was given.

(4) Gifts of tickets or admissions reported by a regulated lobbyist under this
subsection need not be counted or reported by the regulated lobbyist for purposes of
disclosure under subsection (b)(4) of this section.

(e) (1) (i) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, in
addition to any other report required under this section, a regulated lobbyist shall file,
with the report required by subsection (a) of this section, a report disclosing the name of
any State official of the Executive or Legislative Branch or member of the immediate
family of a State official of the Executive or Legislative Branch who has benefited during
the reporting period from gifts of meals or beverages, whether or not in connection with
lobbying activities, allowed under § 15-505(c)(2)(i) of this title from the regulated

(ii) The name of a member of the General Assembly or member of the
immediate family of a member of the General Assembly shall be disclosed under
subparagraph (i) of this paragraph only if the gift of a meal or beverage to the individual
costs $15 or more.

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Session Laws, 1997
Volume 795, Page 3078   View pdf image
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