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Session Laws, 1997
Volume 795, Page 3076   View pdf image
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(i) the nature and value of the gift; and

(ii) the identity of the entity from which, directly or indirectly, the gift

was received.

(5) This subsection does not authorize any gift not otherwise allowed by law.


(a) (1) A regulated lobbyist shall file with the Ethics Commission, under oath
and for each registration, a separate report concerning the regulated lobbyist's lobbying

(i) by May 31 of each year, to cover the period from November 1 of
the previous year through April 30 of the current year; and

(ii) by November 30 of each year, to cover the period from May 1
through October 31 of that year.

(2) If the regulated lobbyist is not an individual, an authorized officer or
agent of the regulated lobbyist shall sign the report.

(3) If a prorated amount is reported as compensation, it shall be labeled as


(b) A report required by this section shall include:

(1) a complete, current statement of the information required under §
15-703(b) of this subtitle;

(2) total expenditures in connection with influencing executive action or
legislative action in each of the following categories:

(i) total compensation paid to the regulated lobbyist, excluding:

1. expenses reported under this paragraph; and

2. salaries, compensation, and reimbursed expenses for the
regulated lobbyist's staff;

(ii) unless reported under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph:

1. office expenses of the regulated lobbyist; and

2. professional and technical research and assistance;

(iii) publications that expressly encourage communication with one or
more officials or employees;

(iv) witnesses, including the name of each and the fees and expenses

paid to each;

(v) meals and beverages for officials, employees, or members of the
immediate families of officials or employees;

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Session Laws, 1997
Volume 795, Page 3076   View pdf image
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