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of Blaketon Street to Hunterton Street, thence along the center of Hunterton Street to
Chesterton Drive, thence along the center of Chesterton Drive to Middleham Drive,
thence along the center of Middleham Drive to West Branch Drive, thence along the
center of West Branch Drive to Kettering Drive; and
(7) (i) That part of election district 15, precinct 2 that is generally east of
a line that runs along the center of Ritchie Branch from Darcy Road to a point that is
generally east of the intersection of Ritchboro Road and Tulip Avenue; thence along an
imaginary line to Ritchboro Road; thence along the center of Ritchboro Road to Forest
Park Drive, thence along the center of Forest Park Drive to Ritchie Road; and
(ii) That part of election district 15, precinct 2 that is south of a line
that runs along the center of the Ritchie Road spur from Ritchie Marlboro Road to
Ritchie Road.
(iii) That part of election district 15, precinct 2 that is generally north
and east of a line that runs along the center of Washington Avenue from Darcy Road to
Douglas Avenue; thence along the center of Douglas Avenue to Sansbury Road; thence
along the center of Sansbury Road to Darcy Road.
(g) School board district VI consists of:
(1) Election district 6, precinct 20;
(2) Election district 13, precincts 1, 3 through 8, 10, and 11;
(3) Election district 18, precincts 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10;
(4) Election district 20, precincts 4 and 8;
(5) That part of election district 7, precinct 9 that is generally north and
west of a line that runs along the center of the northeast branch from Central Avenue to
the Western Branch Tributary, thence along the center of the Western Branch Tributary
to Old Enterprise Road, thence along the center, of Old Enterprise Road to Chesterton
Drive, thence along the center of Chesterton Drive to Blaketon Street, thence along the
center of Blaketon Street to Hunterton Street, thence along the center of Hunterton
Street to Chesterton Drive, thence along the center of Chesterton Drive to Middleham
Drive, thence along the center of Middleham Drive to West Branch Drive, thence along
the center of West Branch Drive to Kettering Drive; and
(6) (i) That part of election district 15, precinct 2 that is generally west of
a line that runs along the center of Ritchie Branch from Darcy Road to a point that is
generally east of the intersection of Ritchboro Road and Tulip Avenue, thence along an
imaginary line to Ritchboro Road; thence along the center of Ritchboro Road to Forest
Park Drive; thence along the center of Forest Park Drive to Ritchie Road; and
(ii) That part of election district 15, precinct 2 that is north of a line
that runs along the center of the Ritchie Road spur from Ritchie Marlboro Road to
Ritchie Road.
(h) School board district VII consists of:
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