Chapter Page
Cemetery and Funeral Industry, Task Force to Examine the State's,
established .......................................................................................... 209 1649
Charitable giving task force, known as "Maryland Gives!",
established .......................................................................................... 383 2589
Chesapeake Bay commemorative license plate program, termination
date extended ..................................................................................... 356 2475
357 2476
Community Services Trust Fund, established for funds from
long-term lease or sale of property and equipment of a
Developmental Disabilities Administration or Mental Hygiene
Administration facility; Waiting List Equity Fund and Mental
Hygiene Community-Based Services Fund, termination date
repealed .............................................................................................. 646 3665
675 3822
Construction Training Pilot Program, funding restrictions altered;
termination date and reporting requirement date extended ........... 136 1464
Cosmetologists, State Board of, termination date extended ............... 388 2598
Court cost increase for defendants convicted of traffic offenses, and
distribution to Victims of Crime Fund and Criminal Injuries
Compensation Fund, termination date of provisions repealed ....... 623 3579
641 3652
Criminal Sentencing Policy, Maryland Commission on, created ........ 563 3212
Dairy Industry, Task Force on Maryland's, review of law and
regulations concerning length of time milk products may be kept
for sale, responsibilities added; reporting date and termination
date extended ..................................................................................... 324 1897
Election Code, Commission to Revise the, created ............................ 431 2723
Emerging Medical and Surgical Treatments, Task Force on,
established .......................................................................................... 378 2573
Excise tax exemption for coal mining operations special purpose
vehicles, provisions added ................................................................. 304 1860
Fuel tax refund of motor fuel tax for nonprofit organizations
providing transportation for elderly, handicapped, or low income
persons, termination date altered ..................................................... 355 2474
Health Resources Planning Commission, Fund established;
classification and compensation of officers and limit on total
assessed user fees, provisions amended............................................ 273 1794
Home improvement provisions, termination date extended;
evaluation of the Home Improvement Commission, requirements
added .................................................................................................. 197 1625
Howard County -
Building excise tax for financing public road facilities, termination
date repealed; limit on appropriation of funds from the
development road improvement fund, repealed .......................... 493 2908
Income and expense information for income producing real property,
designation of properties subject to penalty for failing to file,
provisions added................................................................................. 508 2949
Insurance brokers and agents, public adjusters, and insurance
advisers, privatization of licensing and examination services,
provisions added................................................................................. 271 1784
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