Chapter Page
Family Investment Program created, including temporary cash
assistance; Aid to Families with Dependent Children provisions,
repealed; Income Maintenance Administration renamed as Family
Investment Administration; pilot projects required; employment
information, reporting requirements added ..................................... 351 2370
Generic substitutions for prescription drugs under the Medical
Assistance Program and the Pharmacy Assistance Program,
provisions altered ............................................................................... 102 1363
Health insurance loss ratio benchmark established; rate filing
requirements altered; penalties authorized for overdue filings of
expense and loss ratio information; disclosure of loss ratio
information to contract holders and transmission of information to
Health Care Access and Cost Commission, requirements added ... 425 2698
Inmate educational standards under regulations of the Education
Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions, provisions
altered ................................................................................................. 299 1847
Jennings Randolph Lake, adoption and enforcement of boating and
natural resources regulations by Department of Natural Resources
in accordance with the Project Compact with West Virginia,
provisions added................................................................................. 240 1717
Local government school funding maintenance of effort requirement,
criteria for granting waivers, provisions added ................................ 175 1569
Massage therapists, certification and regulation by Board of
Chiropractic Examiners, provisions added; Massage Therapy
Advisory Committee established ....................................................... 678 3833
Medical assistance managed care program, implementation and
structural framework, quality standards, inclusion of historic
providers, solvency, and mental health services, provisions added . 352 2426
Milk shelf life studies, requirements repealed; milk sell-by period,
extended.............................................................................................. 691 3875
Motor vehicle certificates of title issuance and recording and
releasing of security interests, development and implementation of
electronic system for, provisions added ............................................ 256 1748
Neighborhood and Community Assistance Program, established; tax
credits provided for contributions to program's projects ................ 636 3638
Pharmacists -
Licenses, examination waiver requirements, term, expiration dates,
renewal, and adoption of regulations, provisions added and
amended .......................................................................................... 390 2600
Oral competency in the English language, demonstration for
license to practice, and waiver of certain licensing requirements
for graduates of foreign pharmacy schools, provisions added ..... 511 2960
Physician credentialing organizations and primary source verification
systems, provisions added .................................................................. 529 3044
Plant disease control law, definition of dealer and penalties,
provisions altered ............................................................................... 52 1099
Public school course requirements for graduation, review of State
rules and regulations to provide flexibility for religious reasons,
provisions added................................................................................. 677 3831
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