Chapter Page
Economic Development Opportunities Program Fund, annual report
requirements, performance guidelines and requirements for fund
recipients, transfer of project information to and authority of
Legislative Policy Committee; and reversion of funds, provisions
added .................................................................................................. 497 2917
Economic impact analysis rating and economic impact analysis of
regulations on small businesses, provisions added........................... 692 3876
Educational assistants and paraprofessionals working with children in
public schools, task force to study licensure of, established ........... 332 2003
Election Code, Commission to Revise the, created ............................ 431 2723
Emergency services provider reimbursement by health maintenance
organizations, provisions altered; determination of appropriate
reimbursement for federally mandated medical screening, and
study and report on how provisions affect billing patterns of
hospitals and emergency physicians, requirements added .............. 503 2934
Emerging Medical and Surgical Treatments, Task Force on,
established .......................................................................................... 378 2573
Family Investment Program created, including temporary cash
assistance; Aid to Families with Dependent Children provisions,
repealed; Income Maintenance Administration renamed as Family
Investment Administration; pilot projects required; employment
information, reporting requirements added ..................................... 351 2370
Health occupation board members and designated investigators, code
of conduct, Ethics Commission required to develop and report on,
provisions added................................................................................. 460 2803
"Home instruction program for preschool youngsters" pilot project to
develop a home-based early intervention model for parents and
their preschool children, provisions added....................................... 351 2370
Howard County -
Economic Development Authority, membership, quorum
requirements, and audit report deadline, provisions altered ...... 268 1779
Information technology proposals, projects, procurement, and
Information Technology Investment Fund, provisions for State
agencies and Transportation Department, amended....................... 87 1199
Insurance brokers and agents, public adjusters, and insurance
advisers, privatization of licensing and examination services,
provisions added ................................................................................. 271 1784
Insurance Commissioner and professional liability insurers, report
requirements, provisions altered and termination date extended .. 111 1384
Insurer examinations by Insurance Commissioner, prohibitions on
disclosure of information, provisions clarified ................................. 56 1106
Insurers, penalty for late license renewal, provisions added .............. 456 2779
Intelligent transportation systems, master plan for development of,
report requirements added ................................................................ 13 767
Lead paint on exterior surfaces of rental property, standards for
reporting for purposes of qualifying for an exemption under the
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, provisions altered ................. 176 1579
Leave taken by State employees, annual report by Personnel
Department, requirements altered.................................................... 10 233
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