Chapter Page
Physicians, disciplinary action by and corrective action agreements
with Board of Physician Quality Assurance, provisions added ....... 419 2686
Respiratory care practitioners, licensing and regulation, provisions
added .................................................................................................. 516 2972
State personnel management system, reform and reorganization,
including provisions concerning position classification plan, salaries
and compensation, leave, grievance procedures, evaluation,
discipline, and termination ................................................................ 347 2077
Disclosure —
Adult dependent care program employees, criminal history records
check or private agency background check, reference from most
recent employer, and drug and alcohol tests, requirements added . 572 3236
Boxers and kickboxers, blood test for HIV and hepatitis,
requirements added ........................................................................... 551 3119
Business Opportunities Sales Act, expanded and revised................... 517 2987
Charitable organizations and regulation of solicitation, Charitable
Giving Information Program, and enforcement, provisions
amended ............................................................................................. 371 2550
Continuing care providers, contracts, and facilities, regulation and
oversight provisions added and amended ......................................... 346 2046
Employer disclosure of information about employee or former
employee, immunity from liability, provisions added ...................... 469 2824
Harford County -
Revenue Authority, county authorized to establish, provisions
added............................................................................................... 535 3066
Health care providers, communication with patients about coverage,
treatment options, or provider's reimbursment arrangements with
insurer, reimbursement by insurer, contract restrictions on insurer
liability, practice profiling, uniform voucher forms, and grievance
appeal, provisions added or altered .................................................. 548 3107
Health insurance loss ratio benchmark established; rate filing
requirements altered; penalties authorized for overdue filings of
expense and loss ratio information; disclosure of loss ratio
information to contract holders and transmission of information to
Health Care Access and Cost Commission, requirements added ... 425 2698
Insurer examinations by Insurance Commissioner, prohibitions on
disclosure of information, provisions clarified ................................. 56 1106
Medicare supplement policies, applicability of specific provisions of
the Insurance Code, and disclosure requirements, provisions
amended ............................................................................................. 296 1841
Montgomery County -
Medical records, disclosure within county Health and Human
Services Department by health care providers, provisions added . 476 2837
Nursing, Board of, proceedings, records, and files, discovery or use as
evidence in a civil action, prohibited, and disclosure to a health
occupation regulatory board, provisions added ............................... 513 2963
Public higher education institutions engaged in research or
development, conflict of interest procedures and exemptions
altered to allow controlled relationships with the private sector ... 406 2649
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