Chapter Page
Mechanics' liens, percentage of building construction or
improvement costs used to determine whether property is subject
to establishment of lien, decreased................................................... 435 2734
Morgan State University, authority over procurement and contract
management of public improvement projects, provisions altered ... 23 1025
Wastewater treatment construction grants and loans, eligible projects
expanded to include phosphorus removal when in conjunction with
a nitrogen removal cost-share grant................................................. 465 2814
Consumer Credit SEE Credit
Consumer Protection —
SEE ALSO Advertising; Unfair Trade Practices; Warranties
Attorneys, written solicitation of clients concerning a civil action
relating to an accident or disaster or to a criminal prosecution or
prosecution of a traffic offense, restrictions added ......................... 669 3803
Automated teller machines, study of feasibility of on-screen listing of
fees, requirements added................................................................... 205 1638
Business Opportunities Sales Act, expanded and revised................... 517 2987
Cemetery and Funeral Industry, Task Force to Examine the State's,
established .......................................................................................... 209 1649
Charitable organizations and regulation of solicitation, Charitable
Giving Information Program, and enforcement, provisions
amended ............................................................................................. 371 2550
Collection agencies, annual renewal of licenses, enforcement
authority of the licensing board, civil fines for violations, and
coverage of surety bonds, provisions altered.................................... 58 1110
Continuing care providers, contracts, and facilities, regulation and
oversight provisions added and amended ......................................... 346 2046
Credit card holder signature, fraudulent use, possession or disclosure,
prohibitions added ............................................................................. 94 1339
Division of, appropriation to................................................................. 13 714
Health care providers, communication with patients about coverage,
treatment options, or provider's reimbursment arrangement with
insurer, reimbursement by insurer, contract restrictions on insurer
liability, practice profiling, uniform voucher forms, and grievance
appeal, provisions added or altered.................................................. 548 3107
Health insurance coinsurance payment amounts, calculation from
negotiated alternative rates, requirements added............................ 445 2754
Health insurance loss ratio benchmark established; rate filing
requirements altered; penalties authorized for overdue filings of
expense and loss ratio information; disclosure of loss ratio
information to contract holders and transmission of information to
Health Care Access and Cost Commission, requirements added ... 425 2698
Health network enrollees, discrimination on the basis of gender, race,
age, religion, national origin, or disability, prohibited .................... 47 1091
Home improvement permits issued by municipal corporations,
required to include license number of a licensed contractor,
provisions added................................................................................. 336 2010
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