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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 3321   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor                             Ch. 585

(1)     Has knowledge of the existence of facts relating to a crime;

(2)     Makes a declaration under oath that is received as evidence for any

(3)     Has reported a crime to a law enforcement officer, prosecutor,
correctional officer, or judicial officer; or

(4)     Has been served with a subpoena issued under the authority of a court
of this State, of any other state, or of the United States.

DRAFTER'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 27, § 766 of the Code.

The only change is in style.


(a)     A person may not harm or injure any person or damage or destroy any
property or threaten to harm or injure any person with the intent to:

(1)     Influence a victim or witness to testify falsely or withhold testimony;

(2)     Induce a victim or witness to avoid legal process summoning the victim
or witness to testify; or

(3)     Induce a victim or witness to be absent from an official proceeding to
which the victim or witness has been legally summoned.

(b)     A person who violates subsection (a) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 5 years.

DRAFTER'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 27, § 767 of the Code.

There are no changes.


(a)     A person may not intentionally harm or injure any person or damage or
destroy any property with the intent of retaliating against a victim or witness for giving
testimony in an official proceeding or for reporting a crime.

(b)     A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 5 years.

DRAFTER'S NOTE: This section formerly was § 768 of this article.

There are no changes.


(a)     In this section a finding of good cause may be based upon any relevant
evidence including credible hearsay.

(b)     A court with jurisdiction over a criminal matter may, for good cause shown,
issue any order that is reasonably necessary to stop or prevent the intimidation of a victim

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 3321   View pdf image
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