Ch. 577
(1) Is certified or licensed to provide professional counseling [or], marriage
COUNSELING SERVICES in any other state or country if that state or country grants a
similar waiver to licensees of this State; or
(2) Has successfully passed an examination approved by the Board.
(b) The Board may grant a waiver under this section only if the applicant:
(1) Pays the application fee set by the Board under this subtitle; and
(2) Provides adequate evidence that the applicant:
(i) Meets the qualifications otherwise required by this title; and
(ii) Became certified or licensed in the other state or country after
passing an examination that is approved by the Board.
(a) The Board shall waive the requirements for certification as a professional
counselor under § 17-302(d) of this title for any person who:
(1) Has filed a letter of intent with the Board by July 1, 1989;
(2) Holds a master's degree in a professional counseling field or completed
a program of studies judged by the Board to be substantially equivalent in subject matter
and extent of training to a master's degree in a professional counseling field;
(3) Has completed not less than 3 years of supervised experience in
counseling approved by the Board, 2 years of which shall have been completed after the
award of the master's degree or its substantial equivalent;
(4) Has, by July 1, 1995, passed an examination approved by the Board; and
(5) Has furnished to the Board a professional disclosure statement.
(b) The Board may waive requirements for certification as a professional
counselor marriage and family therapist under § 17-302(d) of this subtitle for any person
(1) Has filed an application for certification by July 1, 1995;
(2) Holds a master's degree in a marriage and family field or completed a
program of studies judged by the Board to be substantially equivalent in subject matter
and extent of training to a master's degree in a marriage and family therapy field;
(3) Has completed not less than 3 years with a minimum of 3,000 hours of
supervised experience in marriage and family therapy approved by the Board, 2 years of
which shall have been completed after the award of the master's degree or its substantial
equivalent; and
(4) On or before January 1, 1994 has demonstrated clinical membership in a
national marriage and family association that establishes educational, training, and
supervision requirements for that designation.
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