PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 351
INVESTMENT PROGRAM, [general public assistance,] public assistance to adults, child
welfare services, food stamps, and any other social service and public assistance activities
financed in whole or in part by the State [Administration] DEPARTMENT. For the
purposes of these powers, child welfare services being provided to persons under the age
of 18 may continue after their eighteenth birthday but not beyond their twenty-first
(2) All of the activities of the local departments in the counties and in
Baltimore City, which the State [Administration] DEPARTMENT finances, in whole or in
part, shall be subject to the supervision, direction and control of the State
[Administration] DEPARTMENT.
(b) The State [Administration! DEPARTMENT may develop and implement an
automated statewide [income maintenance] system and related administrative
procedures to achieve effectively and efficiently the purposes of this title. In the
implementation of the system, the State [Administration] DEPARTMENT may assume
[income maintenance] functions that this article otherwise assigns to local units only to
the extent necessary for efficient implementation of the system. Such changes in
assignments and performance of functions will be effected by executive order.
promulgated by the Governor in accordance with Title 3. Subtitle 4 of the State
Government Article.
(c) The State Social Services Administration shall exercise supervision, as
hereinafter set forth, over all public and private institutions having the care, custody or
control of dependent, abandoned or neglected children, except those institutions under
the authority of the Department of Juvenile Justice and those agencies, persons, or
institutions designated by the Department of Juvenile Justice as provided for in § 2-114
of Article 83C.
(d) To enable the State Department to discharge properly the duties imposed
upon it, the State Department may of its own motion, or by the direction of the Governor
shall, cause charges to be formulated against any corporation, association, institution or
agency engaged in charitable or social services or welfare activities, except State-aided
hospitals, receiving financial assistance from the State or with which the State has
contracts, and cause a copy of such charges to be served on such corporation, association,
institution or agency. The State Department shall have power to issue summonses for
witnesses and documents, which summonses shall be duly served, as are other similar
writs, by any sheriff to whom the same shall be directed, and to administer oaths, and take
testimony which it shall cause to be transcribed and included in its report. The Governor,
with the approval of the Board of Public Works, is hereby authorized and empowered to
withhold, in whole or in part, further payments to any such institution or agency out of
current or future appropriations, upon recommendation of the State Department if in its
judgment the facts warrant, and by budget amendment to transfer any part of such
appropriation so withdrawn to any other institution or agency of a like nature, upon
recommendation of the State Department.
(e) The State Department shall have further power to visit any State-aided
institution, organization, or agency engaged in social service or welfare activities, and
thoroughly to inspect the management, buildings and equipment thereof; but such visits
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