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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1155   View pdf image
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Ch. 77

(6)     provisions for the design, development, and operation of a statewide
uniform labor market information system to facilitate the timely availability of
employment and training information throughout the State;

(7)     provisions for the design and use of a statewide management
information system that produces, at a minimum on a quarterly basis, financial reports,
participant characteristics, and program performance statistics; and

(8)     provisions to maximize the utilization of existing State, local, and private
institutions and organizations which have demonstrated effectiveness in the provision of
employment and training programs (which include but are not limited to public schools,
including [vocational-technical schools] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION
CENTERS, community colleges, State approved proprietary schools, State colleges and
universities, the University of Maryland System, and business and industry).

Article - Natural Resources


(a) (1) This section applies to any person who applies for a new tidal fish
license under § 4-701 of this subtitle:

(i) After September 1, 1988, to catch crabs for sale, finfish, oysters, or

(ii) After September 1, 1992, to provide services as a fishing guide
under § 4-210 of this title in the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay or its tributaries; or

(iii) After September 1, 1993, to provide services as a fishing guide
under § 4-210 of this title in the Atlantic Ocean, its seaside bays, and their tidal

(2) This section does not apply to any person who:

(i) Applies to renew a tidal fish license to catch crabs for sale, finfish,
oysters, or clams, including a license on inactive status that was valid on September 1,

(ii) Applies to renew a tidal fish license to provide services as a fishing
guide under § 4-210 of this title in the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its
tributaries, including a license on inactive status that was valid on September 1, 1992;

(iii) Has successfully completed a 2-year course of study in commercial
fisheries which includes instruction on fisheries conservation and regulation and is
offered in a [vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION program
approved by the State Board of Education;

(iv) Applies to obtain a tidal fish license before September 1, 1991 to
use pots or other devices to catch eels;

(v) Applies for a new tidal fish license under § 4-701 of this subtitle to
use nets, seines, trawls, and pots in the ocean but including not more than 200 yards of gill

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1155   View pdf image
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