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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1141   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor                               Ch. 73

(House Bill 842)

AN ACT concerning

Prince George's County - State's Attorney's Office - Salaries

PG 305-96

FOR the purpose of altering the maximum salaries of certain deputy State's Attorneys,
assistant State's Attorneys and the administrative assistant in the State's Attorney's
Office in Prince George's County; and generally relating to salaries in the office of
the State's Attorney of Prince George's County.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 10 - Legal Officials
Section 40(q)

Annotated Code of Maryland
(1994 Replacement Volume and 1995 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article 10 - Legal Officials


(q) In Prince George's County:

(1)     (i) The State's Attorney's annual salary shall be:

1.       $98,000 for calendar year 1995;

2.       $98,000 for calendar year 1996;

3.       $101,000 for calendar year 1997; and

4.       $104,000 for calendar year 1998 and for each subsequent
calendar year.

(ii) The State's Attorney may not, except in connection with duties as
State's Attorney, appear as counsel or represent any party professionally before any
court, board, commission, or agency of this State or any county or political subdivision of
this State. The State's Attorney may not engage in the private practice of law but may
participate in the pro bono program administered by the Prince George's County Bar

(2)     The State's Attorney may appoint 2 deputy State's Attorneys and 54
assistant State's Attorneys. The deputy State's Attorneys and assistant State's Attorneys
serve at the pleasure of the State's Attorney.

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1141   View pdf image
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