Ch. 3
(b) There is hereby established in the Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, a Police Training Commission whose membership shall consist of
the following persons:
(1) The President of the Maryland Chief of Police Association; the
President of the Maryland Sheriffs Association; the President of the Maryland Law
Enforcement Officers, Inc.; the Attorney General of the State of Maryland; the
Superintendent of the State Police; the Commissioner, Baltimore City Police
Department; the [President] CHANCELLOR of the University of Maryland SYSTEM; the
agent in charge of the Baltimore office of the F.B.I.; the President of the Eastern Shore
Police Association; a representative of the Maryland State Lodge of Fraternal Order of
Police; the Deputy Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services; and three police
officials of the State to be appointed by the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional
Services, with the approval of the Governor, and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, to represent the State geographically, the appointments to be made for a
three-year term provided that, for the first term, one official shall be appointed for a
term of one year, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of three years.
(2) The nonappointive [office holders] OFFICEHOLDERS may elect to
serve personally at any or all meetings of the Commission or may designate a member of
their respective association, office, department, university or agency to represent them
and to act for them at the said meetings to the same effect as if they were personally
Error: Obsolete language in Article 41, § 4-201(b)(1) and incorrect spelling
in § 4-201(b)(2).
. Occurred: Obsolete language in Article 41, § 4-201(b)(1) occurred as a
result of Ch. 246, Acts of 1988. Incorrect spelling in Article 41, § 4-201(b)(2)
occurred in Ch. 286, Acts of 1966.
In the construction of this subtitle, the following [definition] DEFINITIONS shall
conclusively determine the meaning of the terms used:
(1) A pardon is an act of clemency, evidenced by a written executive order
signed by the Governor under the great seal, absolving the grantee thereof from the guilt
of his criminal acts and exempting him from any pains and penalties imposed upon him
therefor by law. It shall be presumed that the grantee of a pardon had been lawfully and
properly convicted of crime against the State unless the order shall make known that the
grantee has been conclusively shown to have been convicted in error.
(2) A partial pardon is an act of clemency, a pardon which has been limited
by the terms of the order so as to be of less effect than a full pardon; and which is clearly
shown on the face of the order to be a partial pardon.
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