Ch. 24
operating the business presently being licensed and the public necessity for the license for
which application is made. The Board, before approving any application, shall require an
inspection of the premises for which the application is made and shall require the
premises to comply with all of the rules and regulations of the Board applicable thereto.
In all respects, other than as provided herein, the application shall be subject to the
requirements of the provisions of this article applicable in the County. The fee for the
issuance of any license under this subsection shall be as follows: For a change from one
class of beer license to any other class of beer license, from any class of beer and wine
license to any other class of beer and wine license or from any class of beer, wine and
liquor license to any other class of beer, wine and liquor license, the fee for the transfer
is $1,000; for a change from any class of either beer license or beer and wine license to the
same class of beer, wine and liquor license or from one class of beer license to any other
class of beer and wine license, the fee for the transfer is $2,000; and for a change from any
class of either beer license or beer and wine license to any other class of beer, wine and
liquor license, the fee for the transfer is $3,000. All of the above transfer fee shall be in
addition to the regular fee provided in this article for the license applied for. The fee for
issuance of any new license after July 1, 1972 shall be, in addition to the regular yearly fee
provided for in this article, for any class of beer license: $1,000; for any class of beer and
wine license: $2,000; and for any class of beer, wine and liquor license: $3,000.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the forfeiture or
revocation of any alcoholic beverages license issued and outstanding on June 1, 1951. In
any election district in which the quota is exceeded as of that date, the total number of
licenses shall be reduced from time to time only by the voluntary relinquishment of
licenses by the licensees, or by the workings of other provisions of this article; and no new
license shall be issued in any election district unless such issue may be made without
exceeding the quota as established hereinabove in this section.
(e) No alcoholic beverage license issued in Cecil County shall, by virtue of its
issuance to any person or persons, thereby vest in such person or persons any property
right whatever in and to such license.
(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section the holder of any license issued
for premises substantially destroyed by fire, explosion, or catastrophe, or taken by
condemnation or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, may transfer the
license to other premises within the same election district, with the approval of the Board
of License Commissioners. In the event the holder of any premises destroyed as provided
above shall not request transfer of the license within six (6) months from date of loss as
above provided, the license shall expire and shall be available to issue to an applicant
(g) In granting any new license of any class, including any beer, wine and liquor
license, not in excess of the number of licenses permitted by this section in any election
district, the Board of License Commissioners shall not give any special preference, it
being the intent of this section that persons holding any class of beer or beer and wine
license shall receive the same consideration as any other applicant for any class of beer,
wine and liquor license.
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