(2) To recognize savings resulting from operation of this provision, funds
appropriated in this budget for salaries and wages shall be reduced as provided in this
(3) The Governor shall develop a schedule for allocating this reduction to the
programs of the executive branch and shall take such actions as necessary to implement
this reduction under § 7-213 of the State Finance and Procurement Article;
(1) Aggregate reductions under this section shall total at least the amount
indicated for the budgetary fund types listed:
$19,700,000 General
$4,900,000 Special
$3,000,000 Federal
$10,900,000 Current Unrestricted and Restricted
SECTION 27. 29. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That beginning with the
Fiscal Year 1997 budget, capital funds shall be budgeted in separate eight-digit programs.
Furthermore, the budget detail for Fiscal Years 1995 and 1996 submitted with the Fiscal Year
1997 budget shall be organized in the same fashion to allow comparisons between years.
SECTION 18. 27. 28. 30. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That numerals of
this bill showing subtotals and totals are informative only and are not actual
appropriations. The actual appropriations are in the numerals for individual items of
appropriation. It is the legislative intent that in subsequent printings of the bill the
numerals in subtotals and totals shall be administratively corrected or adjusted for
continuing purposes of information, in order to be in arithmetic accord with the numerals
in the individual items.
SECTION 19. 28. 29. 31. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That pursuant to
the provisions of Article III, Section 52(5a) of the Constitution of Maryland, the following
total of all proposed appropriations and the total of all estimated revenues available to
pay the appropriations for the 1996 Fiscal Year is submitted:
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