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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 4900   View pdf image
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Candidates - Political —

Gaithersburg, filing for elected office, number of required signatures on

petition, increased, and filing deadline altered ............................................. 4744

Greenbelt, removal of name of city council candidate from ballot prior to
election if candidate has not filed required campaign financial reports,

provisions added ............................................................................................. 4745

Trappe -

Certificate of nomination for elective office, filing deadline altered ........... 4764

Expanded list of candidates in the general election when there is a tie for

sixth place in the primary election, provisions added ............................... 4765

University Park, ballots, write-in voting and an option to vote for none of the
listed candidates, provisions added; qualification of write-in candidates and
authority of supervisors of elections to keep the peace during elections,

provisions added .............................................................................................. 4766

Caroline County

Denton, new charter adopted .......................................................................... 4739

Federalsburg -              .                                                                         

Emergency absentee ballots and voter assistance at polls, provisions added . 4740

Mayor and council, salary provisions altered................................................. 4740

Henderson -
Property ownership as a required qualification for voting, provision

repealed; property tax rate limit, repealed................................................ 4745

Town commissioners, term of office altered .................................................. 4746

Overdue property taxes, interest rate increased............................................... 4769

Carroll County - -

Mount Airy, annexation....................................................................................... 4750

New Windsor, annexation ................................................................................... 4751

Taneytown -

Annexation .....................................................................................................  4761

Merit system, provisions repealed; city employees established to be

employees at will...................................................................................         4762

Veto powers of the mayor, provisions added................................................ 4762

CATV SEE Cable Television
Cecil County - -
North East, interest and penalty on overdue real property taxes and date

when overdue taxes become collectable by tax sale, provisions added ........ 4752

Port Deposit, voter qualifications altered, prohibiting nonresident property.
owner to vote; composition of Board of Supervisors of Elections, altered;

absentee ballot requests, requirements altered............................................. 4755

Charitable Organizations SEE Nonprofit Organizations
Charles County - -
Indian Head -

Mayor and town council members, salaries increased .................................. 4747

Municipal purchases, new procedure established.......................................... 4747

Charters —

Betterton, new charter adopted......................................................................... 4732

Denton, new charter adopted............................................................................. 4739

Funkstown, new charter adopted..................................................................... 4742

Glenarden, new charter adopted....................................................................... 4744

- 4900 -


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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 4900   View pdf image
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