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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 3920   View pdf image
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S.B. 810


(a)     Any political subdivision of the State desiring to acquire land under this
section shall make application for each project to the Secretary. The application shall
describe the project in such manner and detail as the Secretary may, by regulation,
determine, and shall include, without limitation:

(i) [a] A full description of the land and its characteristics;

(ii) [a] A complete statement as to why the land is particularly suited
to industry, and what particular industry or industries it is best suited to;

(iii) [a] A statement of the likelihood of any particular industry or
industrial concern being interested in the land in the near future;

(iv) [a] A description of the zoning, sanitary and other appropriate
laws and regulations applicable to the land, and whether any changes therein are
contemplated by the applicant;

(v) [whether] WHETHER the applicant has adopted or developed a
general industrial land acquisition plan, and, if so, a complete description of the plan and
how the project applied for relates to the plan;

(vi) [appraisals] APPRAISALS by two qualified appraisers approved by
the Secretary of the current market value of the land;

(vii) [a] A description of employment and unemployment conditions in
the subdivision and in the particular area in which the land is located, including the rate
of unemployment, if available, and any anticipated developments which may affect the
rate of unemployment in the near future; and

(viii) [whether] WHETHER there is a shortage of industrial land in the
subdivision and in the particular area in which the land is located.

(b)     The Secretary, upon receipt of an application and after such investigation as
he deems advisable, may approve a loan of up to 100% of the current market value of the
land as determined by him but not exceeding $1,250,000 for any one project. In judging
whether or not to approve a loan and the amount of a loan, the Secretary shall consider
and determine:

(i) [whether] WHETHER the project may reasonably be expected to
attract industry and create new employment opportunities;

(ii) [the] THE amount of benefit, in terms of economic development
and employment opportunities which the project may reasonably be expected to generate
in relation to such benefits which other projects applied for may reasonably be expected
to generate, and in relation to the total funds available for lending;

(iii) [whether] WHETHER the project, as planned, will be in
compliance with applicable zoning, sanitary, and other laws or regulations applicable to
the project;

(iv) [whether] WHETHER and to what extent federal or other funds
are available or are likely to become available for the project; and

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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 3920   View pdf image
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