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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 2743   View pdf image
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Ch. 488

(3)     Applicants shall provide the Department with certification that notice
has been served on all contiguous property owners and appropriate local officials.

(4)     Upon substantial completion of an application the Department shall
draft a public notice that includes:

(i) The name and address of the applicant;

(ii) A description of the location and nature of the activity for which
application has been made;

(iii) The name, address, and telephone number of the office within the
Department from which information about the application may be obtained;

(iv) A statement that any further notices about actions on the
application will be provided only by mail to those persons on a mailing list of interested

(v) A description of how persons may submit information or comments
about the application, request a public informational hearing, or request to be included
on the mailing list of interested persons; and

(vi) A deadline for the close of the public comment period by which
information, comments, or requests must be received by the Department.

(5)     The Department shall prepare a public notice to be published for at
least 1 business day in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the proposed
activity would occur. At its discretion, the Department shall:

(i) Publish the public notice; or

(ii) Direct the applicant to publish the public notice.

(6)     The applicant shall bear the cost of the newspaper notice.

(7)     The Department shall mail public notices to a general subscription
mailing list.

(8)     Comments on an application or requests for a public informational
hearing must be forwarded in writing to the Department prior to the close of the public
comment period specified in the public notice.

(9)     The Department shall compile an interested persons list containing the
names of all contiguous property owners, appropriate local officials, and individuals that
comment on, request hearings, or make inquiries about an application during any phase
of the Department's review.

(10)   No further notice will be provided except to persons on the interested
persons list.

(c) The Department shall hold a public informational hearing if it receives a
timely written request in accordance with the following provisions:

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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 2743   View pdf image
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