Volume 793, Page 145 View pdf image |
PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 3 (ii) Any funds remaining after the individuals leaving State residential (b) Subject to the appropriation process in the annual operating budget, the (1) Providing community-based services to each individual who leaves a (2) Providing community-based services to individuals eligible for, but not (d) (1) Subject to the appropriation process in the annual operating budget, the (2) In determining funding for the Waiting List Equity Fund, the cost of (ii) Subtracting the following: 4. The cost for [court ordered] COURT-ORDERED DRAFTER'S NOTE: Error: Grammatical errors in § 7-206(a)(2)(ii), (b), and (d)(1) and (2)(ii)4 Occurred: Ch. 401, Acts of 1994. Corrections for § 7-206(a)(2)(ii), (b), and 10-208. (a) (3) In determining funding for the Mental Hygiene Community-Based (ii) Subtracting the following: 3. The cost for [court ordered] COURT-ORDERED - 145 -
Volume 793, Page 145 View pdf image |
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