(f) At the time the amendment to this section to provide for a separate Expense
Fund becomes effective the State Agency is authorized to transfer any expense moneys
then in the Contribution Fund to the Expense Fund.
(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary, any excess in
interest earnings over the amount appropriated for any fiscal year for the administration
of the State Agency, shall be used to pay any deficit in the State's Social Security
contribution appropriation as set forth in [§ 32 of this subtitle] § 4 OF THIS
SUBHEADING, otherwise, shall be reverted to the State treasury.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 89, § 35.
Former Art. 89, § 35 is not retained in the Code because it is apparently
obsolete. However, it is transferred to the Session Laws to avoid any
inadvertent substantive effect that its repeal might have.
The only changes are in style.
[36.] 8.
The State Agency shall make and publish such rules and regulations, not
inconsistent with provisions of this [subtitle] SUBHEADING, as it finds necessary or
appropriate to the efficient administration of the functions with which it is charged under
this [subtitle] SUBHEADING.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 89, § 36.
Former Art. 89, § 36 is not retained in the Code because it is apparently
obsolete. However, it is transferred to the Session Laws to avoid any
inadvertent substantive effect that its repeal might have.
The only changes are in style.
[37.] 9.
The State Agency shall make studies concerning the problems of old age and
survivors' insurance protection for employees covered by this [subtitle] SUBHEADING
and concerning the operation of agreements made and plans approved under this
[subtitle] SUBHEADING and subject to § 2-1312 of the State Government Article, shall
submit a report to the General Assembly at the beginning of each regular session,
covering the administration and operation of this [subtitle] SUBHEADING during the
preceding fiscal year, including such recommendations for amendments to this [subtitle]
SUBHEADING as it considers proper.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 89, § 37.
Former Art. 89, § 37 is not retained in the Code because it is apparently
obsolete. However, it is transferred to the Session Laws to avoid any
inadvertent substantive effect that its repeal might have.
The only changes are in style.
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