[(f)] (G) The term "Secretary of Health [, Education and Welfare] AND HUMAN
SERVICES" includes any individual to whom the Secretary of Health[, Education and
Welfare] AND HUMAN SERVICES has delegated any of [his] THE SECRETARY'S
functions under the Social Security Act with respect to coverage under such act of
employees of states and their political subdivisions, and with respect to any action taken
prior to April 11, 1953, includes the [Federal] FEDERAL Security Administrator and any
individual to whom such Administrator had delegated any such function.
[(g)](H) The term "political subdivision" includes an instrumentality of the State,
of one or more of its political subdivisions, or of the State and one or more of its political
subdivisions, but only if such instrumentality is a juristic entity which is legally separate
and distinct from the State or subdivision and only if its employees are not by virtue of
their relation to such juristic entity employees of the State or subdivision.
[(h)](I) The term "Social Security Act" means the act of Congress approved
August 14, 1935, Chapter 531, 49 Statutes 620, officially cited as "The Social Security
Act" (including regulations and requirements issued pursuant thereto), as such act has
been and may from time to time be amended[; and].
[(i)] (J) The term "Federal Insurance Contributions Act" means subchapter A of
Chapter 9 of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1939 and subchapters A and B of
Chapter 21 of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as such codes have been and
may from time to time be amended; and the term "employee tax" means the tax imposed
by § 1400 of such Code of 1939 and § 3101 of such Code of 1954.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 89, § 31.
Former Art. 89, § 31 is not retained in the Code because it is apparently
obsolete. However, it is transferred to the Session Laws to avoid any
inadvertent substantive effect that its repeal might have.
The only changes are in style.
[32.] 4.
(a) The State Agency is hereby authorized to enter on behalf of the State into an
agreement with the Secretary of Health[, Education and Welfare] AND HUMAN
SERVICES, consistent with the terms and provisions of this [subtitle] SECTION OF THIS
ACT, for the purpose of extending the benefits of the federal old age and [survivors]
SURVIVORS' insurance system to employees of the State of Maryland and of any political
subdivision of the State with respect to services specified in such agreement which
constitute "employment" as defined in [§ 31 of this subtitle] § 3 OF THIS SUBHEADING.
Such agreement may contain such provisions relating to coverage, benefits, contributions,
effective date, modification and termination of the agreement, administration, and other
appropriate provisions as the State Agency and Secretary of Health[, Education and
Welfare] AND HUMAN SERVICES, shall agree upon, but, except as may be otherwise
required by or under the Social Security Act as to the services to be covered, such
agreement shall provide in effect that:
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