Legislative Resolution 93-18, As Amended
Resolution of the Town of University Park, Maryland, pursuant to the authority of
Article XI-E of the Constitution of Maryland, and Section 13 of Article 23A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, to amend certain provisions of the Charter of
the Town of University Park, by repealing and re-enacting Article III, Section 304,
"Meetings of Mayor and Council", of said Charter, to prescribe the procedure to be
followed when the Mayor and/or Common Council call a special meeting or executive
session. The amendment requires that all Council members to be notified when a special
meeting or executive session is to be called and that a record of which Council members
consented to or requested said meeting be maintained.
[Section 304 of the Charter of the Town of University Park, Prince George's
County, as found in the compilation of Municipal Charters of Maryland (1990
Replacement Edition and 1993 Supplement), repealed and reenacted with amendments.
Effective Date April 19, 1994]
(Dorchester County)
Charter Amendment No. 1980-1
adopted pursuant to the authority of Art. 11E of the Constitution of Maryland and Sec.
13 of Art. 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition as amended) entitled
"Corporations - Municipal" to amend the Charter of the Commissioners of Vienna by
adding a new Section 22-44 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Dorchester County, 1974
Edition, to be entitled "Industrial and Commercial Development", providing for the City
to be empowered to provide funds for industrial and commercial development and to
apply for and make loans and/or grants to private businesses or concerns.
[Section 22-44 of the Charter of the Town of Vienna, Dorchester County, as found
in the compilation of Municipal Charters of Maryland (1990 Replacement Edition and
1993 Supplement), added.
Effective Date April 3, 1980]
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