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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 3536   View pdf image
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S.B. 318


SECTION 2. 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That if any provision of this
Act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid for any reason
in a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or any
other application of this Act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
application, and for this purpose the provisions of this Act are declared severable.

SECTION 3. 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect July 1, 1994.

May 26, 1994

The Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.

President of the Senate

State House

Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Dear Mr. President:                                                               

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution, I have today
vetoed Senate Bill 318.

This bill would provide that when only four members of the Baltimore City Board of
Appeals are present, three members must concur on a decision in lieu of four of the five
members concurring and would be contingent on Article VII, Section 89 of the Baltimore
City Charter being similarly amended by the City.

House Bill 333, which was passed by the General Assembly and signed by me on May 26,
1994, accomplishes the same purpose. Therefore, it is not necessary for me to sign Senate
Bill 318.


William Donald Schaefer


Senate Bill No. 318

AN ACT concerning

Baltimore City - Board of Zoning Appeals

FOR the purpose of permitting the Baltimore City Board of Zoning Appeals to take
certain actions by a reduced number of votes under certain circumstances; providing
that, to the extent inconsistent with a specified provision of the Baltimore City
Charter, certain changes may not be given effect until the Charter is amended;
making stylistic changes; and generally relating to actions by the Board of Zoning
Appeals of Baltimore City.

BY repealing and reenacting, without amendments,
Article 66B - Zoning and Planning
Section 2.08(a)

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 3536   View pdf image
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