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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 286   View pdf image
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Ch. 3


2.       Class B (on-sale) license; and

3.       Glass C (on-sale) beer, wine[,] AND liquor license; and
(ii) Within Carroll County, to the holder of any:

1.       Class A license;                                                     

2.       Class B. license;

3.       Class C license;

4.      Class D license; and                       

5.       Class H license.                                                 

           This section is reorganized, at the request of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax
Unit of the Office of the Comptroller. No changes in substance are made.


(a) (1) For the jurisdictions in which this section is effective, the Governor,
biennially, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, if in session, and if not in
session, then the Governor alone, shall appoint three persons who shall constitute and be

styled "The Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City or...............County", as

the case may be.                                                                

(2) In making [said] THE appointments, the Governor shall designate one
of the appointees in Baltimore City and each of [said] THE counties to be the chairman
of the respective boards.                                                                   

(3) [Said] THE commissioners shall be residents and voters of Baltimore
City or the respective counties, as the case may be, and they shall be [men or women]
PERSONS of high character and integrity and of recognized business capacity.

(4) In the case of any vacancies in the number of [said] THE license
commissioners in Baltimore City or in any county [occurring] WHICH OCCURS when the
legislature is not in session, the Governor shall appoint some eligible person to fill the
vacancy during the remainder of the term of office of the person originally appointed.

(b). (1) [In] THIS SUBSECTION APPLIES ONLY IN Allegany County. [the
Board shall be reconstituted as of June 1, 1953, as the Board of License Commissioners of
Allegany County. The Board as it existed prior thereto shall be abolished as of that date
and the tenure of the members of the said Board shall be terminated as of that date. As
of June 1, 1953, the Governor shall make recess appointments of three persons to
constitute the Board of License Commissioners for Allegany County for terms expiring
respectively on the first Monday in May, 1955, the first Monday in May, 1957, and the first
Monday in May, 1959. Thereafter, appointments] .

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 286   View pdf image
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