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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 283   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                            Ch. 3

[(h)](T) (1) [In] THIS SUBSECTION APPLIES ONLY IN St. Mary's County.

(2) [, the] THE fee for assignment or transfer of any alcoholic beverages
license is $100.



[(p)](W) (1) [In] THIS SUBSECTION APPLIES ONLY IN Washington
County [,].

(2) [the] THE Board [of License Commissioners] may not transfer an
alcoholic beverages license until the transferor has paid all County taxes that are due and
[owing] OWED under the license and has certified by affidavit to the Board that no
County taxes are due and [owing] OWED.

[(d)](X) (1) [In] THIS SUBSECTION APPLIES ONLY IN Wicomico County

(2) THE publication notice referred to in this section may, in the discretion
of the Board [of License Commissioners], be waived with respect to Class C club licenses
when a person whose name appears on the license becomes ineligible, provided THAT a
new application for the same class of license is properly filed with the Board within 10
days of the date on which the person becomes ineligible.

[(2)] (3) The fee for transfer or assignment of a license is $75 in addition to
the cost of publication, notice, and any hearing fees required.

[(j)] (Y) (1) [In] THIS SUBSECTION APPLIES ONLY IN Worcester County[,
notwithstanding any other provision of Article 2B,].

(2) (I) [any] A corporation or club holding any class of alcoholic
beverages license other than Class C [may], during any license year, MAY substitute the
name of one of its officers for the name of any other officer on the license when the
deleted officer has died, retired, been removed from office, or no longer holds an office
in the corporation or club if the substitute is a fit person approved by the Board and can
meet all the requirements the substitute would have to meet if the substitute were named
in the original application.

(II)     The corporation or club shall file an affidavit and application as in
the case of an original license application with the Board [of License Commissioners]
showing the substitution of the officer or officers with an explanation of the substitution.
Upon receipt of the affidavit and application and after a find by the Board that the
person is a fit person and would meet all the requirements an original applicant must
meet, the Board shall amend its records and issue a new license with the corrected names
on it.

(III)   The corporation or club shall pay a fee of $100 to the Board [of
License Commissioners] for the service.

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 283   View pdf image
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