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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 2776   View pdf image
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Ch. 611


(2) At a mooting hold by the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the
National Association of Social Workers, Inc. called to choose nominees for a social
worker vacancy on the Board, a majority of the social workers pres
ent at the meeting shall
choose the list of names of social worker nominees to the Board for submission to the

(3) At least 2 weeks before a meeting is hold under this subsection, the
secretaries of the appropriate associations shall publish in their association newsletter
and in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the State of Maryland a notice that
states the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.

(c) Each member of the Board shall be a resident of this State.

(d) The consumer member of the Board:

(1) Shall be a member of the general public;

(2) May not be or ever have been a social worker, or in training to become a
social worker;

(3) May not have a household member who is a social worker or in training
to become a social worker;

(4) May not participate or ever have participated in a commercial or
professional field related to social work;

(5) May not have a household member who participates in a commercial or
professional field related to social work; and

(6) May not have had within 2 years before appointment a substantial
financial interest in a person regulated by the Board.

(e) (1) Except for the licensed social work associate member, two of the social
er members of the Board shall have at least 5 years experience as a licensed social
er employed in a public or private not for profit sector service delivery agency.

(2) Except for the licensed social work associate member, all social worker
members of the Board shall have been actively employ
ed in the field of social work for at
least [the] 5 OF THE 10 years [immediately] preceding th
e appointment.

(f) While a member of the Board, a consumer member may not have a substantial
financial interest in a person regulated by the Board.

(g) Before taking office, each appointee to the Board shall take the oath required
by Article I,
§ 9 of the State Constitution.                                                  

(h) (1) The term of a member is 4 years.

(2) The terms of members are staggered as required by the terms provided
for m
embers of the Board on July 1, 1981.

(3) At the end of a term, a member continues to serve until a successor is
appointed and qualifies.

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 2776   View pdf image
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