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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 2722   View pdf image
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Ch. 589                                    1994 LAWS OF MARYLAND

IF the [state commission] VIRGINIA MARINE RESOURCES COMMISSION has three
members, the person filling a vacancy on the [state commission] VIRGINIA MARINE
RESOURCES COMMISSION shall ex officio become a member of the commission.

Section 6. Meetings, quorum. Commission meetings shall be held at least once each
quarter, and at such other times as the commission may determine. In order to constitute
a quorum for the transaction of any business at least two of the [three] FOUR members
from each state must be present and must vote on the business being transacted.

Section 7. Office and employees. The commission shall establish and maintain an
office at such locations as it may select, and may employ an executive secretary who shall
serve at the pleasure of the commission, and such other administrative, clerical, scientific,
and legal personnel as it deems necessary. The powers, duties and compensation of all
employees shall be as prescribed by the commission, and the employees shall not be
subject to the provisions of [Article 64A] DIVISION I OF THE STATE PERSONNEL
ARTICLE of the Annotated Code of Maryland THAT GOVERN THE MARYLAND STATE
PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM nor to the provisions of the Virginia Personnel
Act, as the same may be from time to time in effect. The commission may extend to any
employee or employees membership in the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System or
the Maryland Employees' Retirement System, whichever is applicable, subject to the laws
relating to each such retirement system. Employees of the commission shall also be
eligible for the health and related insurance for State employees in § 2.1-20.1 of the Code
of Virginia or [Article 64A, § 48A] TITLE 8, SUBTITLE 1 OF THE STATE PERSONNEL
ARTICLE of the Annotated Code of Maryland, whichever is applicable.

Article III.

Commission Powers and Duties

Section 7. Cooperation of State Agencies. The commission may call upon the
resources and assistance of the Virginia fisheries laboratory, the UNIVERSITY OF
Maryland [Department of Research and Education] SYSTEM, and all other agencies,
institutions, and departments of Maryland and Virginia which shall cooperate fully with
the commission upon such request.

Section 9. Inspection tax. The commission may impose an inspection tax, in an
amount as fixed from time to time by the commission, upon all oysters caught within the
limits of the Potomac River, which inspection tax may not exceed the higher severance tax
per bushel on oysters that is imposed by the Commonwealth of Virginia or the State of
Maryland in the waters of their respective jurisdictions. The tax shall be paid by the buyer
at the place in Maryland or Virginia where the oysters are unloaded from vessels and are
to be shipped no further in bulk in vessel, to an agent of the commission, or to such
officer or employee of the Virginia [Fisheries] MARINE RESOURCES Commission or of
the Maryland Department of [Tidewater Fisheries] NATURAL RESOURCES, as may be
designated by the commission, and by him paid over to the commission..

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 2722   View pdf image
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