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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 2716   View pdf image
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Ch. 586                                    1994 LAWS OF MARYLAND

(House Bill 723)

AN ACT concerning

Charles County Detention Center Local Detention Centers - Inmate Medical Fees

FOR the purpose of requiring a deduction from certain accounts held by the Sheriff of
es County sheriff of a county or Baltimore City on behalf of an inmate in the
Charles County Detention Center a local detention center of an amount set by the
County county's governing body, or the Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services in the case of Baltimore City, for certain visits to a physician,
dentist, optometrist, or medical unit; requiring that the Sheriff also deduct the
amount needed to pay for the visit and for required m
edication; prohibiting an
inmate from incurring charges again
st certain accounts, unless otherwise
authorized, until certain m
edical charges have been paid; requiring a county's
governing body, or the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services in the
case of Baltimore City, to set a reasonable fee not to exceed a certain amount;
providing for the handling of certain funds; making a stylistic change; and generally
relating to the responsibility of an inmate in the Charles County Detention Center
payment of certain fees by inmates in local detention centers for certain medical
charges visits,

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 87 - Sheriffs
Section 46
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1991 Replacement Volume and 1993 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

                                Article 87 - Sheriffs


(a)     In this section, "sheriff" includes the administrator, director, superintendent,
warden, or other officer in charge of a detention center.

(b)     The sheriff shall provide food and board for all prisoners committed to the
sheriff's charge and [such] food and other articles for the comfort of sick prisoners as the
physician attending the prisoners may deem necessary, the expense of which shall be paid
by the county or Baltimore City.

(c)     Sick, injured, or disabled prisoners including those committed to the
Commissioner of Pretrial Detention and Services shall be responsible for reimbursing the
county or the State, as appropriate for the payment of all medical care, and shall furnish
the sheriff with the following information:

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Session Laws, 1994
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